royalprincess » the royal princess - די בלאָג פון ishaan קלאָץ אין

שאַפֿן אַ בלאָג!

this is my blog about my sweet friend priya.

** ייַנטיילן דעם בלאָג **

אַלגעמיינע אינפארמאציע


שאַפונג: 10/10/2010 16:05
דערהייַנטיקן: 10/10/2010 16:49
ארטיקלען 1
וויסיץ פון דער וואָך 1337
גאַנץ וויזיץ 410

royalprincess :: the royal princess

אנדערע בלאָגס: myprincess

United States - ishaan
שטעלע: 4692/56779 מיטגלידער

די זאכן זענען אויסגעשטעלט פון אָולדאַסט צו רובֿ פריש!

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif אַרטיקל: the royal princess - 10/10/2010 16:49

About my princess: This is my blog to share my feelings about my close friend priyadarshini, whom I missed and missing a lot in my life. She is one of the most compassionate women, I’ve ever come across. She is an articulate person and doesn’t believe hiding her feelings. This memoir clearly brings out the transformation of rebellious person, priya. 1. First introduction: That’s the first day to college. On that day morning, I had taken blessings from my parents to become a not only a doctor but also to be a good doctor. When I’m stepping towards the college gate I’m feared a lot about ragging… with fearful appearance I entered into the college. I couldn’t find any senior…. even one in the college surroundings... only juniors were in the verandahs to take admission and to attend the classes from that day onwards as the classes begins from that day. I thought that the seniors are busy with their classes. Some girls in our college cried and went back to their houses…. Hope to bring their pool, which they forgot to bring with them and came along with their parents. Why do the girls cry for every silly thing? Do they have a big pool or ocean inside them or what? With the help of our staff helping boys I went to my class room. There was no faculty over there in the classroom…I thought there will be only ragging, no teaching classes at the beginning. Seniors may have taken all juniors to some other place in the college to rag …I’m escaped… thank god! But feared when I’m walking alone towards class. In our college the benches are in stepping order and for the teaching faculty, Dias is placed at the entrance of our class. The person who stands outside the class cannot be able to know whether the students were there in the class or not. But when I saw juniors in the class I’m relaxed…. On a belief that “unity in diversity” .On the day I sat in the second bench. Every one in the class was silent….. Waiting for faculty eagerly…… that’s the first class. After sometime, each and every one started watching their faces one another ….. I mean they are willing to introduce them selves… some introduced their beside ones and talking seriously as if they were friends from their childhood. Some kept quiet as if they had golden tooth and it falls when they talk or smile and some were seriously writing something in their notes… like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana ….. Any how? All were too busy with their works. … Meanwhile bell rang and that’s the 2nd hour. For a while one professor walked into our room with books in the hands. . She was Miss.priya. When she entered in our class everyone stood up and wished her. She simply smiled little and asked us to take our places … She introduced herself and showed her hand to first bench to introduce ourselves. Everyone in the class introduced their selves their names, their college, where they are from? About parents? Their ranks? Their aims, goals and many more……. I never expected that medical colleges were like this … I mean ….so friendly ….. Our first class of her ends with introduction only. My classmates enabled to look further and never look in any direction …. Their eyes was surrounding around the professor … the way of her dressing, the way of her speech, hair style , small curly hair falling on her face makes her look more beautiful as if she was an angel , just now got down from Himalayas ….. She is too beautiful with a fit personality. Not only me everyone in class was in her thought like me... one of my friends heard and told “even girls were talking about her “. Some thought “I would marry a girl like the mam”, some thought “I’ll marry mam if she agrees“….. Really we can’t forget that cute smile. While introducing the last but one person our bell rang, so she was about to leave us … everyone stood up once again requesting her to stay with them by blinking their eyes…. But she went off … by laughing a little and nodding her head as she won’t be with us … our friends I mean my new friend ,kept sad face with some feeling inside …. We had classes half a day at the beginning of our admission…. That means we have only three classes in the morning... so there is only one class to end today’s college day. Everyone was busy in talking about her ….. At that time prof. Ramanujan entered into our class... As usual everyone wished and introduced their selves to sir. He is talkative person, who came to teach us about biochemistry. He too gave an introduction about his subject. His class was jovial … he always makes everyone to laugh with his funny jokes… but regarding studies he is strict too… we spent the 3rd hour completely with his jokes … some boys rolled down in the ground … some went under the bench … to control their laugh… some girls enable to control their laugh … they got tears … and their cubbies went red … they got pain it seems…ho god! Tring! …. Tring…!!!!!!!!!!(The bell rang) Why do girls unable to control more happiness or even more sadness?????? Meanwhile our mad man of our college prof.pavan patnaik entered. His subject was physiology. He was handsome but colored. He was brilliant but behaves as a mad man in order to entertain students. While he was giving his introduction … many of our classmates were discussing about the nicknames to him. All laughed at once for his behavior. We don’t know how we spend the time? Again the bell disturbed us…. We should leave the class/college now. Tring ….tring… Again the bell disturbed us…. We should leave the class/college now. But still our classmates were laughing by remembering that jokes and some went anxiously … about next day morning…. To see the mam…!!!!! On the 2nd day: On the 2nd day I woke up as early as possible. My new friend charan came to me in the early morning 6’o clock. My dad was too strict. So when he came to me, my dad at once call me “arey! Your friend is here and you are late to college today….get up! Don’t be in dreams with girlfriend…. Get up!” So I got up and shocked “my dad being cool? Is it a dream? (By rubbing my eyes gently)” Actually I felt too angry at my friend charan… Murmuring myself “stupid! Made me to wake up early. Idiot! Why he came to my home? Asoul! See he is not at all wishing me “good morning!” Having breakfast in my home. “ When I called my mom for Tiffin, then he wished me. We have it and went to college at 7:30 only. Actually our class begins at morning 8:30 a.m. then… Charan: sorry rey! I had given you trouble by making you get up early. Me: //silent// Charan: actually…. Mam is an interesting person. I’m willing to see the mam again and again... Me: o.k.!//seriously// Charan: what shall we do now? //When I’m observing the list of names (new admissions) in the notice board outside the class room… Charan: who is this girl rey! I don’t even see once in the college? // Me: sareena priyadarshini…. Check your eye sight and wear another optical, then you can see better //he looked at me seriously and laughed// Me: who is Emmanuel re? Charan: first bench handsome guy…// we continued observing the notice board// (and its sharp 8:30 a.m…) We went inside the class room because lakshmi ayya who sweeps my class daily is observing us differently. One by one came to the class… and soon the bell rang Again she came in the first hour and explained about our college rules and regulations. Each and everyone in the class were kept silent while she was giving introduction to some topics in her subject. After those topics still there 20 minutes for next class, so she had given choice to 2 topics to discuss… meanwhile in that time. The topics were about studies and general. When everyone shouted about general .so, she decided to discuss about it. Once again all shouted “you should start the topic! You should start the topic!” She explained about “Akshyapatra organization”. Let’s known about it in her words only… (I can’t exactly remember her speech, but the summary of her speech is here) It was the new and biggest organization feeding the poor, physically handicapped and orphanage. In that organization, the people can get healthy meals for just 2 paisa for an individual…and education for children was provided at the rate of no cost. Many of the people have no shelter, no food, no one to take care of them… here we can find the who takes care of us . Life…. We should learn make use of it and try to make others to use it … our life span too short…we are lucky to give birth as a man … we can express our feelings more clearly compared to animals and others. Right? So we should not make any one to suffer from loneliness, hunger… One should not feel trouble and hard why god has given us this life? They should be out of that strange feeling…. Wup! We are spending huge amounts of money for parties, you know? In India only for marriages large amount was used compared to all miscellaneous expenses. India was declared to be poorest among all developed countries…. you know? Most of our socialist party members had engineering colleges, medical colleges, software companies... Those were not in India in America and other aboard countries… our members were developing other countries by providing our economy… its fact! Now a days acres of land as just a birthday gift… huh! That’s strange! Don’t think “What can we do if they do that?” developing country needs teenagers and youth encouragement. Only we … the youth can change everything. We can enjoy even by helping them …. Don’t think…”We can’t, we don’t have that much to feed“, where there is will, there is way ….. We can collect funds and give it either cash or by others based on our budget. It can be useful for them at least to buy fruits … if you don’t have that much time … we can even visit them even on Sundays … if not possible… once in a month…. Again if not possible once in 6 months…. Not possible? Once in a year… if it’s a birthday of anyone of your family members … then it becomes a most memorable day…enjoy every part of life… even its happy or sad moment… treat both are equal… And if you listen at their stories you can know what a life is?? //Everyone stood up clapped and made whistles…// Hamm….. I’m not forcing you to do the same… it’s your wish!!! Everyone was in that thought … she had touched everyone’s heart deeply no…no she print her photograph and her words inside us deeply…. All thought not only beautiful … but also intelligent, social worker... She impressed not only by her behavior but by her thoughts too…at that time some dropped tears outside … some inside... in the sense... they felt heart fully to help anyone. We are proud of her … many of our classmates became followers of her. She had a pleasing voice and it’s audible to everyone from first to last benches in the room like nightingale singing in the room. Even from outside of the class one who walks on the verandahs could hear her pleasant voice clearly…. I loved her voice a lot till now…. I would never forget her voice…Hmmm … her in my life too… not only myself my friends’ toooooo….. At the end the end of our class she told that “seniors used to come to teach some topics if in professor’s absence and if they are busy. Mostly in medical colleges professors were rare to teach subjects. Likewise in our college our seniors teach the topics regarding subject and others…. Regarding subject, by this way they can improve their communication skills and can improve grip in the subject. They can interact with us without unnecessary things …. Belonging to medical stream we cannot spend more time even for enjoyment... we ought to remember every corner of the topic …. As even we are sleepy, we should answer the right…our teaching staff advises as before or else they would tell you’ll become doctor but never be a good doctor … even for them … we do that. This the way to increase memory and can sharp our blunt brain…..”……………………………………….. So we thought Miss.Priya as … may be our senior…. But still she gave the introduction of her subject as if she was an experienced faculty, working for several years …. But by outer appearance she was looking like a girl just completed her +2…. Everyone had become big fans of her. Even now everyone can recognize her voice even if she far away from us... Again when the bell rang, she introduced herself as senior. She told that maximum seniors of final years come to teach particular topic on which they had grip clearly…. By the way you can also clarify your doubts by the professor. But maximum professor’s teaches only labs. They come to teach hard topics only... Then, my friend Charan said “thank god! I’ll marry her if she accepts me…” at once some boys in the first bench laughed loudly…. Some thought ho god! there is no possibility to listen her class any more... felt bad as well as good because she was senior … so we can clarify and have more chance to move closely with her. Senior compared to faculty we can more chance right? Some thought she is friendly person or not? And many more questions rose in each of our brains…. While listening to her. We couldn’t find any senior except her.” what happened to seniors? “The question in everyone’s mind but no one dared. To leave that tension I stood up and asked about it. She told “they were out of station on the occasion of onam festival. They‘ll be back to us from the next morning onwards”. Again all felt tension to face the college from the next day.” Mam! Will you come from tomorrow to teach us?” a voice from last bench … i.e. Patnaik. She answered “no! I’m not willing to come to teach you” .And she left the class No one couldn’t again dare to know the reason. Again bell rang ….. Daily routine….. Some felt bad …left droplets… Mr. Ramanujan was absent on that day… so every one had discussion about Miss.Priya. Many of them had great discussion about her and some boys like Charan went to heaven …in dreams with her. Again on the 3rd hour my fair mam came to our class….. Not to teach any topics but to rag us…. Starting from Rahul benerjee… we had fun time and difficult time at a time … lite…..lite….. But enjoyed a lot. Rithika iyer, one of my classmates sang the song not like a girl … not even a boy…. But like buffalo …unable to hear her voice… but being classmate... what can I do? Mind blocked! …. Then I thought why god gives such type of voice to take me with him? I’m unable to recover myself even after 10 minutes to set my mind as before. Charan wrote one beautiful poetry on her. Its really mind blowing but he was not dared to mesmerize her by showing it to her. Miss.Priya was also talkative. She made everyone to laugh after her ragging was completed. We had good entertainment in the college. We didn’t have further classes on that day 3rd day with seniors: In the morning again I had taken blessings from my parents and started to college. My legs and my hands were shivering to step into the college gate. Again tension started as before on the first day…. Our seniors were in the campus, ragging was going on … some girls were leaving their oceans but not even one senior left them…. That’s for first hour only … but daily… When I’m walking towards the class one senior called me. Then … Senior: what about you? SI? Myself: I’m ishaan and I’m from….//with shrinking voice// Senior: stop it! Don’t you know how to behave with elders? Myself: I’m ishaan sir and I’m from Cuttack sir. There are four members including me in my family sir. My mom, //the bell rang// Senior: go back to the class. We shall have your introduction in the interval. Actually I’m late by half an hour… so escaped. Everyone ran into their classes. After 10_20 minute’s one old man came to our class with anatomy books, he was none other than Prof.Mr. Rajan. When he came to class ….. We had routine job … I mean wishing and all. He seriously introduced himself and started the class with introduction of subject topics. While he was introducing topics all felt that they had heard these topics somewhere else…. Where? Where? … I’m thinking seriously …. Then I remembered that I heard this introduction in Miss.Priya’s class… ….. Ha! We involved with keen interest in Mr.Rajan’s class … then a girl voice from outside “excuse me sir! Can I get in?” Everyone’s eyes in the class at once went out but couldn’t see the person outside …. (Feeling that’s the cute voice Miss .Priya… we heard before day ….) Then again questions rose “for what she came?”.... All thought” Ho! May be for doubts it seems…” She got inside when he gave permission by waving his hand to come inside. She sat beside our classmate in the first bench…. After his introduction to topics, he just talked to her “how was our college?” again all shocked … why he had asked like that as if she was new to college? Those questions must suppose to ask us… all thought that he had somewhat mad…. But one of my classmates asked about it…. Then for his answer everyone was shocked at once …. Some got angry …. Some felt too happy ….some felt ashamed …. Some got mad? Do you know why they felt like? Sir answered that “she was the new student to the college like you, who had her admission just before 5 days….” She was our classmate. We couldn’t think, even when she took place beside our classmate…. Then my brain worked sharply everyday in the morning when observing the notice board the first one is her name. Again questions rose in my mind “then how could she teach about our topics being new student like us? What our faculty doing when she was in our class? Don’t they have any responsibility regarding students … I mean….taking care about whether anyone is there in the class are not? And many more questions…… My dosth Mr.Charan: “Hey! What rey? This girl had given shock to me. Cha! Now there was no chance for furthers….” //* He mean…for youth specials…. I.e. to love and to marry …*// Myself: Arey! There was more chance when being classmates know? …. Charan: But I’m good boy. Never show such foolishness before anyone of my classmates…. //*Don’t think advance … he had his positives… I mean... self box… let him …. *// Coming back to present topic: Actually being our classmate …she ragged every one in our class. After sir went out, she laughed at once loudly at us…. Some became angry for their foolishness…these are only for minutes of time… later …all of us became friendly with her… We don’t know how did we spend with her without knowing time? Every one asked about how she could come as senior and how do she taught the introduction topics without knowing? Who told her? Who permitted her to class? Many questions rose in my brain… but what can I do? I never talk to unknown girls. Usually I would like to talk better only to those who are close with me. One by one in the class was asking about it to priya. Then, Priya: hey! I’m sorry, if I hurt anyone with my behavior. And I’m the first student to take admission in this college. At that time, I concerned our one of the staff members to know about the classes and others regarding college… and I took the help from my relative who was studying medicine final year to know the outline about topics. With the help of our principal I did it...that’s it! Clear? Light…. Light…. All took it ….lite….lite…because she was pleasing in addition they all liked her so much… her attitude…amazing!!! As the days passed by we became friendly with each other. On the freshet’s party: We really had a great colorful fresher. Our seniors dressed in colorful and different costumes with decent look. Juniors were too beautiful in their dressing styles and our girls ho! Ho! Simply super! Excellent! Especially priya …. Too good …in white and pale light pink half Ghaghra choli… Actually she loves white and pink combination. She prefers blue… black… red….after white and pink. Mostly she had her dressing in white on functions. She looks likes an angel on that day. No! No! Every time whenever she wore white…. When she entered into the party everyone including our seniors … enabled to look further. Our seniors never leave her alone even with her friends. They had their dinner with her. Hope she felt uncomfortable with them but… what she can do to escape from seniors?? The function begins at 2:30pm with prayer song by priya and co... Her voice was really nightingale’s voice. Then we had performance by mr.charan. Hmm… talented person… not only in jokes but also in co-circular activities… like volleyball, he played at state levels and in dance too…. next we had classical dance performed by priya. Actually most of our students were not interested in classical but when she had her odissi performance in excellent manner. Most of our seniors and juniors kept quiet when she had. She dressed in white with dark pink bordered odissi dance sari. She was too beautiful in that combination. Then after her …. Our seniors had some dance performances. There was a funny play “aapthamitra”, which was prepared based on the movie Manichitrathaaju. The play has six characters. There was a sage who was in deep meditation. Naradh was scolded by him when he visited the sage. In that anger naradh called the beauty queens in the heaven, rumba, oorvasi, menaka to disturb him. First rambha had her performance in order to disturb him but there was no use, she couldn’t even make his eyes open. Then oorvasi had and later menaka had … but they couldn’t make him to move an inch, even though they tired. At last naradh called aapthamitra. Then she entered and called “lakalakalaka”. The sage at once stood up and ran away… we had a great enjoyment when its going on… in our play naradh character was performed by senior arjun, rambha by senior radhika, oorvasi by senior urmila , menaka by senior manisha and the sage by arun. Actually, in that play aapthamitra role was prepared by our miss beautiful eyes senior asmitha, but rishitha played the title role in the absence of her. Our super seniors thought rishitha was the right person for aapthamitra. They made to do the character. Anyhow the play was too good. Later we enjoyed dance performed by priya to the song “dolare….. “(In devdas film Hindi version). Her expression was excellent. At sharp 7:30pm we had dinner after priya’s performance. Then our senior’s performed 2 plays, 2 songs and 3 dances. Then some of the seniors announced priya for ragging…. She went up to the Dias. Seniors: SI? Priya: I’m priya. And my native …. Seniors: Hoi! Only priya? What is your full name? And we are seniors …. Give respect! O.k.? Priya: I’m sareena priyadarshini and I’m from…. Seniors: what is your initial? …..Sareena? And be obedient to us? That’s good to you and for us. Priya: sir! I’m sareena priyadarshini sir. And I’m from…. Seniors: they are madams also. Priya: I’m sareena priyadarshini sirs and madams. I’m from…. Seniors: ok …. Stop it. Do something different. Hmm… tell your SD in any three languages…I mean each sentence should differ as For example: let A, B, C are different languages. Then your order of sentences should be in A, B, C, A, B, C….. Got it? Priya: yes sir! Meri naam sareena priyadarshini sirs and madams. My native is bhuhaneswar sirs and madams. Maine hamaari pradhamika vidhya basne koiyo goa ne padthi……. // she continued….// Seniors: ha! Good! Take your place Priya: thank you…. Sir’s and madams. Then they announced charan ….. He smile d at once differently Seniors: charan! What you do? …. Ha dance like saroj khan and you have seen priya’s performance know… and like priya. Start music… Charan: sir! How that’s possible sir? To dance like a girl…. Seniors: you are a good dancer right? You can do it! Charan: sir! I can sir but she feels shy … Seniors: ho! No problem! You can. Priya, any problem? Priya: no sir! No problem. Really that’s good. Its one of the good art to do like others. Ask him to do sir. Charan: I’m sorry priya …. To imitate you. Priya: do it perfectly .all the best!! Seniors: got it! Do it perfectly. Otherwise she’ll slap you. Charan: not perfectly like her but still I’ll try sir! He did similar to her but small differences. At the time when seniors were announcing, all the juniors shivering like anything. They were feared whether the seniors will call them. Seniors: thank you charan…. Priya! He is right? Or will you slap him? Priya: no sir .he had good performance. Seniors called some of them and ordered as they wish. Juniors too did it. At last it was time for presenting Mr. Fresher and miss. Fresher and it was presented to priya and charan. Coming to Miss. senior and Mr. Senior, miss beautiful fit personality and topper miss.rishitha and 6feet handsome comedian Mr.anand. He entertained us by his comedy plays. The party ended with disco. Our seniors were pulling us and pushing themselves to dance. Our senior made priya to dance but she didn’t. As her grandpa came she went off with him. Really we had great time there. And we had holidays after fresher for 3 days. . . . . After that party, our juniors became too friendly with everyone. She moves friendly with everyone. She was first to share and help if anyone was in problem, if anyone needs help. She was helpful person. She never kept quiet if anything was going wrong. She takes it seriously but solves easily. After freshets we became closer and closer…. One fine day we (me and my charan) find Emmanuel, the 6feet handsome guy looking too handsome in the white patch shirt with trousers. He was becoming nervous when my friend is observing him. Emmanuel: hey! Why you are looking different at me? Stop looking like that. Today is my birthday…. Charan: fluking asoul! You should tell me before … happy birthday…. You are looking too good. Where is the party? Invite our class girls also otherwise I’ll kill you. Emmanuel: I’m not giving party to anyone. Charan: will you come to party if I invite you??? Shut up! And call all of us to party. Me: stop it charan. When he is not interested in giving party why you are forcing him to do so?? If you have fat, then you give party in the name of his birthday. Charan: thank you! For giving me such an idea… hoi! At least attend the party or…. Emmanuel: my dad will scold me. I can’t come. I’m sorry charan. Charan: ho god! I’ll take permission form your dad .ok? Emmanuel: I’ll attend only if he permits me. Charan: ok ma. Ok. Listen to the class my boy… The classes are going seriously. In the interval, Charan: hoi! Forget it? Emmanuel: how can I brother? // went to Dias// Emmanuel: just 2 minutes friends. Charan: Attention please…. Emmanuel: today is my birthday. So I’m inviting you all solicitly to attend the party and make it memorable. And party is at sharp 6:00 pm this evening after classes. Thank you! Charan: everyone should attend the party…. Or I’ll feel too bad (whispering in my ears) In the evening, while we are preparing arrangements to the party…. Charan: 6feet beauty, birthday boy came in new appearance in light blue wow! Really handsome guy… I can’t digest it anymore…. I’m sure he’ll take away from me… Me: leave it. He is formal. If you can’t digest it, you too get ready with a good look. I think you know about her right? To impress girls the character is much important than everything, next they all see other negatives. Be in your own way. Don’t change yourself for others. Girls mostly like that type of attitude. Got it? Charan: have something there if you are hungry. Don’t eat my brain. O.k.? Me: hmmm! I love you being funny. At sharp 6:15pm, most of our classmates attended. Priya too came to the party in black chudidhar. After seeing her, he ran towards the dressing room and dressed himself in black. Then…… Me: what rey? Why did you run towards dressing room? Charan: hoi! Waste …. She came in black, so me too in black. You can’t get me. You are kid. Shut your mouth and just observe…. Don’t be advanced. While Charan walking towards priya… Priya: hai! Charan, you are looking good in black… Charan: thank you priya. You are too good in black. Priya: ho thank you… where is the birthday boy? Charan: he in the upstairs…. You can go there priya …. Priya: hey! Excuse me //she was went off to wish Emmanuel// Jessica: hey! I know charan….ha….ha…. common girls 1, 2, 3…. All girls: charya….prian……..charya……..prian…. Charan: nothing like that. Just leave me… Jessica: stop re! He was feeling nervous. When you are going to propose? Charan: not now. Please don’t make it public it is my personal matter. Please… Jessica: your wish… take care. May I help you in that? Charan: no! I hate it. I ‘m true lover. She loves if she thinks I’ m correct to her. I hate doing under protest (forcibly)….. While Emmanuel was blowing candles slowly, charan stood beside him and blow the remaining… after that while she is having dinner, all the girls went off from there by seeing charan searching for priya… Charan: priya… is this food delicious? You need anything else? Priya: no! No! This is enough and I’m full. Charan: o.k. Let’s have an ice-cream there Priya: ha! // they went off and having ice-cream // Later she went off as it was getting late. Then he came to me. Charan: hey! Had your dinner? Me: I just before you went to drop her//seriously// Charan: happy! Too happy! Really we had great time with her. Me: not we … you! Charan: ho god! My friend is too handsome today. Why you don’t introduce him a good beautiful girl to him???? Me: stop it! Shall we go? It’s late. Charan: thank god! He is my friend he don’t need your help to search his partner… While going in the bike (charan is driving and I’m at the back) ….. Charan: ha! Really what a beauty? What a beauty? What a cute smile? Hands-off to her attitude…. Me: your are interested in her. So, you like everything regarding her. What’s great in that? I find nothing. Charan: don’t be jealous … Me: me? Jealous? For what? Charan: ok stop it! Bye goodnight! Me: don’t be in dreams till morning… sleep early and wake up early… goodnight! Message me after reaching your hostel... From next day daily routine to the college, we had ragging by our seniors. One senior i.e. 2nd year M.B. B.S in 2007 impressed by priya a lot. He was rahul. One fine day morning, Rahul: hey! You come here… Priya never care him. Rahul: call that fairy in green… (To his friends) One of his friend’s ranjith: hey! Rahul … you? calling a girl? … Even you too became like us… Rahul: stop it! She was looking good. Ranjith: hoi! I told you know? You have missed the Miss Beauty with excellent talent…. Priya Rahul: She was Miss. Fresher it seems right? Call her rey... Ranjith: are you interested in her? You call for yourself Rahul: hey! Do as I say. Ranjith: o.k. hoi! Priya … once come here… Priya: what sir? Ranjith: not me. Rahul called you... Rahul: green chudidhar… come here, I called you not him. Why you are going to him? Priya: sorry sir … I heard voice from there sir… Rahul: you know me? Priya: sorry sir. I don’t know you before sir. Rahul: you ever heard my name before in the campus? Priya: sorry sir… Rahul: all right! Don’t call me sir…. sir… ok I hate it. Priya: sorry sir. I don’t like to call you different from other seniors. Rahul: nothing is going to happen. Call me rahul… just rahul… got it? Priya: sorry sir. You are in wrong thought. I’m not afraid of anyone sir. I don’t like that. That’s it… Rahul: fine! Your wish. Cool … cool… Priya: I’ m not all hot sir. Rahul: introduce yourself. Priya: I’m priya. From Cuttack…. Rahul: full name? With Full details… Priya: I’m sareenapriyadarshini. My native is bhuhaneswar. //saying feebly// Rahul: al right! You are feeling uneasy. Why? Priya: I’m fed off with this sir. From my first day onwards Daily …. Asking only self introduction? You don’t feel bore but sir…. Rahul: ok. You are interesting. Time up …. Go back to your classes. Come early tomorrow to college. Glad to me you priya… Priya: me too sir… In the class…. As classes going on…. Me: hey! Hey! Charan… Charan: what rey? The class is interesting today. Shut up and listen to him Me: priya was about to go with our senior. Then you have to do that only. Charan: hey! What do you mean? Me: this day morning our senior rahul called priya to introduce him to her… He moved closely with her. If you can’t believe me ask Jessie. She was beside me. Even she was shown interest by one of his friends. Charan: is it true? Me: I don’t have any need to create rumors… Charan: you are my only friend. I’ll believe in you… tell me clearly. What happen? Me: I think our senior rahul, was also interested like you. Charan: ho god! It should not happen. Actually there are 2 persons with that name. About whom you are talking to? Me: I too don’t know. Charan: how does he look? Me: 6 feet. Fit personality. With optical…. Charan: I’m enabling to get you exactly. Rahul…rahul… one guy will be as you said but he wont talk to girls at all. Another is fair and somewhat short I mean not below 6 feet. Is there another person other than these two? Ho god! Help me… Me: don’t be tensed. I’ll show you in the canteen this afternoon. Charan: al right! I’m not interested to the topics as well as he too. In the afternoon he just pulled me. He doesn’t let me to have my lunch also. We went to canteen …. Charan: is that person? Me: no! He is not Charan: is that guy washing hands? Me: exactly… Charan: he is not such a kind of person. He won’t talk at least with his classmates. He is not the person, you are mistaken. Me: only god can help you. Charan: really … he won’t talk with girls. He is the topper in his batch. Me: stop it. . You will be coming tomorrow know then you’ll know what is what. We both don’t have lunch, no interest in classes and that day end with our silence. Next day again he came in the morning 7:30a.m to my house. But I got up late only because of him. We reached the college at 8:00 a.m. we find some of the juniors and seniors in the college. After some time priya and Jessica came nearly at sharp 8:15 a.m. one senior called them and talking to them. We can’t hear clearly what is saying about. Charan being funny entered in, jovially. Senior: you don’t know about rahul? It’s shameful thing. He was our batch topper. He’ll be far away from girls. You are the first unknown person. And you don’t care him. Ma…. He is good guy. Be friendly with him. Priya: I’ll be like this only sir. I don’t need about his background and all. Just I bother how he behaved at that moment … that’s it sir? If I hurt you sorry for being like this…// at that time rahul is arriving to the college// Rahul: what’s up ranjith? What you are talking to her? Will you leave priya for me? You take up Jessie. Come on priya… lets walk out from here. Rahul: what priya? What else? What he was about? Priya: be frank sir. Did you felt hatred last day? Am I not obedient to you sir? But for you I can’t change myself. If you need me to change, please don’t talk to me sir. Rahul: hey! Stop it stop it. These many viva questions at once? Ho god! I didn’t prepare for exam priya for how many marks you are conducting the exam? Ask me one by one…first cool…cool… Priya: //kept silent// Rahul: speak out priya. Ho god! Again please make me to pass this difficult exam. Now I’m ready for exam but you should ask questions one by one otherwise I’ll forget not your question but my answers…o.k.? Rahul: yours first question answer: I didn’t feel hatred…not at all. In addition I felt happy for being you frank. And your second question answer: you are obedient, well-natured person. Next answer, not only for me for anyone you don’t change yourself. I don’t leave you… Priya: excuse me sir… Rahul: hmm I’m saying I‘ll talk to you. Cleared…. Did I answer your questions correctly? How many marks did I get? Priya: be straight –forward sir. Please don’t complain to your friends, parents like a school child sir. Rahul: ok mam. // by folding his hands like a child// Rahul: o.k. free now? Priya: hmmm… As the time up, they left us… while walking towards our class… Priya: hey! Charan why you are in out of mood? Me: is that important for you priya? Charan: stop it and get last ishaan. Nothing priya …. Feeling not good Me: priya….. You only ask him, why he felt like. // I came away from them// Priya: see charan! Am I not your friend? Then why don’t you share your problems and your happiness with your friends??? Charan: I told you know I’m not feeling well…please leave me alone… Priya: fever Na? Charan: no priya, head ache… Priya: shall we go to the canteen? Charan: for what priya? Within 10 minutes the class is going to start, now if we….. Priya: to have a cup of coffee. No problem charan. The meeting was going on …. And it takes minimum half an hour…. Meanwhile we can be back to class…. Charan: For my sake? Your wish!!! Priya: no! Not only you but for me too. Head ache ……Even I’m fed-up with that senior rahul. Charan: then its o.k. // while walking towards canteen// Charan: //after long gap of silence// priya… that’s your personal. Shall I ask you one thing? Priya: personal? Hmm you can… Charan: can I know why you are fed up with our senior? He is not good to you. …..I mean……He is not behaving well with you? Priya: he is good, but still why he giving much priority to me than his friends? I heard something more about him… Charan: yes priya… really even I too heard … he is too good. Never talk to girls even to his classmates. But why he did so? Priya: one can’t proclaim about the person’s attitude when he is not talking to girls. Charan: but keeping that aside, he was the topper in his batch. He never drinks even in parties. … Priya: topper? You know some of them were good in studies but might not in his way of habits and all. There may be chance in drinking at home right. In my point of view a person can drink occasionally but they should not addict to it. .. //In the canteen…// Priya: one strong coffee and one milk-shake… Charan: head-ache? Priya: it’s just gone away…. When we are coming towards the garden and by your way of talking Charan: ho thank you. Priya: anyhow would you like to have anything other than coffee? Charan: no…no…that’s enough. Priya: so this is your fitness secret .right? Charan: what? Priya: I mean… tea and coffee avoids hunger. Charan: no! No! Not at all … I am habituated to gym daily. Priya: so! Your gym boy! Not coffee boy. Right? o.k. Have your coffee. It’s getting cool…. Charan: ha! // sighing”by that you are milky girl or shaky girl?”// Priya: how is it? Charan: good! Is that not good? // by looking at the door// Priya: ya! Good. But why you are looking back? Charan: now you are going to have coffee? Priya: what? Charan: yes! Head-ache is near you… Priya: haa!!!…. You mean…. Our senior rahul? Where he is? He had seen me? Charan: hey! Don’t worry. Priya: he is good but….. Charan: shh! He came. Priya: so what? //Rahul knew by one of his friends….. They came near to us// Rahul: hey! Guys you please carry on … (to friends) I’ll join you later. // we stood up then… as we completed.// Rahul: hey! Take you place priya. You…? Charan: charan sir? Rahul: charan, for what you are here? Priya: it’s none of your business sir. Rahul: come on man be friendly. I’m friendly. Charan: to have a cup of coffee sir. Rahul: you? Priya: I’m hungry. To have something… Rahul: you had cup of coffee? Is that enough? Or you would like to have another? Charan: I had sir. That’s Quite enough for me. Rahul: so go back to class. I’ll pay the bill. Priya… is still hungry. So she is angry on me. Charan: no problem sir .I’ll pay. Rahul: just go away … // ranjith, his friend is came to us and observing anxiously// Charan: O.k. sir Priya: I have physiology class now. So I should go…. Charan come let’s go…. Ranjith: boring class. Hey priya! The meeting is going on and it’s till 10:00 am. Rahul will explain you if you have any doubts. He is the topper you know? Rahul: if you are not comfortable with me please …// showed his hand to move// Priya: charan …. Charan: o.k. bye Ranjith: hoi! Ask Jessie to come here. I’m feeling bore Rahul: ranjith… will you…? Ranjith: haa. I’ll move away. Rahul: please take your place priya. Priya: ha Rahul: would you like to have anything priya? Priya: very hot coffee sir Rahul: hey! You? In grey shirt… come here // he is ankith, my classmate// Ankith: what sir? Rahul: get me one hot coffee and one cold coffee Ankith: o.k. sir Rahul: why you are serious priya? Priya: I’m feeling head-ache sir. Ankith: sir…. // he bought and kept before them// Rahul: thank you so much. Have it priya… Priya: you too have it sir. Ankith: shall I move sir? Rahul: ha move. What will you do by staying here? You watch our faces? Ankith: sorry sir. Ankith had taken place in the next table with his friends because charan had sent text to observe them. And listening to them… Rahul: you are looking too good in white priya // looking her passionately// Priya: thank you sir. Rahul: why you are looking tensed? Priya: no! not tensed. I have class. I should go… // she stood up and came out// Rahul: what happened priya? Why you are going? 1 minute priya stop there….priya…// going back to her// Rahul observed that no one is there outside. He went cross to her. Rahul: Stop it priya. What’s wrong with me? Priya: you are not wrong sir? I should go …. Please give me the way …. Rahul: listen to me once. Tomorrow is my birthday. You should attend the party. That’s what I want to tell you. Will you come? Priya: sorry sir. I have some work in my home. I can’t. Rahul: hey! It’s my birthday…. What’s the work you have? I’ll do it….tell me what’s the work you have? Priya: washing vessels…. Got it? Rahul: washing vessels? It takes not more than ½ an hour. Don’t try to escape to attend the party by making silly reasons. Priya: // she seriously walked away from him// Rahul: may I help you. I’ll come to you so we both can wash it in shorter time… fine? Priya: hmmmm. I have to take permission from my grandpa. I’ll tell you later. Rahul: o.k. . . . This is my number. // She came to the class and in the night at 9’O clock priya called me// Priya: send text to our senior rahul that I’m not coming to college tomorrow as I’m going out of station Me: hey! Priya. Anything serious? Priya: no ishaan. I’m not interested to come to college tomorrow. Me: because of senior it seems you are not coming to college. Right? Priya: // kept silent// Me: hello! There? Priya: yes I’m there. Me: come to college tomorrow. Rest is next. Let’s see what’s going to happen …. Take it easy. Priya: I’m getting head-ache with him. But I can’t do anything. Cha! Me: come on rey. I’ll be with you tomorrow. I knew one of his friends. Even I’ll come to party with you. Priya: hmmm Me: Just relax priya…. Good night! Hey! Don’t go out for shopping now. I’ll get one beautiful gift for you to present him. Priya: your wish! Good night! Next day as usual classes are going on…. . When she was in the college in the afternoon at 2:30 only, rahul came to her … Rahul: coming to party? Priya: hmmm Rahul: come let’s go... Priya: the party is in the evening at 6. Right? Rahul: ya! But you should come now itself only. Priya: but still there is much time… Rahul: coming or not? Jessie: hey! Go with him. Don’t make him angry on his birthday.. Priya: coming…. Rahul: you need some time to dress up? Priya: no need sir! I’ll come in this. Rahul: this not much fair. Come with me… // he took her to beauty parlour and gave new saree// Rahul: it’s for you. .. Priya: is this necessary? Rahul: yes! It is compulsory. This is my order. Wear it. Priya: but sir… Rahul: any problem? Priya: I don’t know how to dress up in saree? Rahul: haaa haa …. // he asked the beautician for dressing// As soon as, the beautician made her dressing and all, He looked at once and shocked. Rahul: beautiful…. Let’s go Priya: sir! Rahul: what priya? You need anything else? Priya: will you give my bag? I should call my grand pa once. He will be tensed if I’m late. Rahul: ha you can. Your bag is in the back seat // he gave the bag and she intimated to her grandpa// After ending call…. Rahul: hey! Don’t you know how to dress up in the saree? Priya: no sir Rahul: sorry… it’s your personal. Priya: no problem sir. Rahul: is this saree comfortable? Is it good? Priya: hmm Rahul: we have to go somewhere before going to party? Priya: where? Rahul: don’t worry. We were going to important place where the person I love, likes it. Priya: its better when you come with that person you love. The person feels happy. Rahul: shall I introduce the person to you? Priya: your wish.. //he bought 3 bags of fruits // Priya: for what you’re taking 3 bags? Rahul: for the person I love the most. Priya: // does the person eats this much? // I think this not quite enough for her/him. Rahul: hmmm…. You’re naughty… // he had taken her too ashram where millions of poor are fed// Priya: ashram? The person you love will be here. Rahul: no! The person’s heart will be here forever. Priya: you mean… Rahul: hey! Nothing. Don’t imagine deeply. She loves this place more than anything in life. Priya: ho! Rahul: shall we give fruits to everyone? Priya: sure sir! // while giving// Priya: you’ll visit this only on your birthday sir? Rahul: I’ve ever come to this before. This is the first time I’m spending here. Priya: hmmm. .. You can have self satisfaction by this. Rahul: what about you? Priya: usually we’ll visit this whenever I feel depressed and on my family members birthdays too. Rahul: //that’s the great thing I learnt from you…. And that’s the reason you’re interesting. // Priya: sir! What you’re thinking deeply? Rahul: nothing. About these children. . . Priya: //god grace is always on you// Rahul: priya… it’s too late to party. Shall we go now? Priya: sorry sir. I forgot it. We shall… On that day party, senior proposed her after the cake cut that too in public... i.e. in front of his parents and relatives. She was shocked at once. Rahul: mom and dad, this is priya. My junior… His Mom: what rahul? Rahul: yes! I’m going to marry her? Priya: sir! Let’s complete our studies, and then rest is next... please … Rahul: that’s priya. I’ll wait ….. All went to dinner; even rahul went with his friends. Then priya went to his mom Priya: excuse me aunty! His Mom: yes priya Priya: I’m so sorry. I’m not willing marry rahul. He was becoming too advanced. You please… His Mom: when you don’t like him how can I….? O.k. ma. I’ll talk to him. Priya: thank you aunt His Mom: may I know about you? Priya: you can aunt? His Mom: your caste ma? Priya: shaktriyas aunt His mom: ho! What are your father and mother? Priya: they both are doctors His Mom: fine. You have any brothers and sisters? Priya: ha one brother. His Mom: is also a doctor? Priya: no aunt he was doing English literature in A.P His mom: why? Is he not interested in doing M.B.B.S? Priya: actually he doesn’t show interest regarding science His mom: any how good family. What about your property? Priya: sorry aunt. I don’t know about that and care about what I have His mom: you have any relatives in A.P as you said that your brother studying there… Priya: ha my mom’s sister. She got married to Andhra… His mom: ho! You’re looking good in saree, well natured. Priya: rahul bought this saree aunt His mom: what rahul bought you? Meanwhile rahul came to them… Rahul: what you both were doing here? Mom … does you like priya? His mom: ha good girl. By the way your saree selection as well as partner selection is too good. Rahul: that’s rahul… thank you mom. Shall we go now? His mom: hey! You invited her to party. But you didn’t care whether she had dinner or not? Rahul: sorry priya… come we shall have dinner Priya: it’s getting late sir. My grandpa might be worrying about me… I should go… Rahul: I’ll drop you … I went there to give the gift. Me: hey! Priya. You forgot to bring your presentation to give him. Your friend Jessie gave this… Rahul: priya… Me: happy birthday sir and this is for you sir... Rahul: thank you ishaan. Had your dinner? Me: ha I had sir. O.k. sir. I’m going. Rahul: we had fun time. Thank you. Good night! Bye… Me: good night sir. You too priya…mam… Priya: ishaan… Rahul: why he is calling you mam? Priya: wup! You proposed me know so… Rahul: priya … your life is settled. Come let’s have delicious dinner Priya: no sir. Its already late sir Rahul: I’m too telling that only. It’s too late; please have your dinner… Priya: ha Rahul: what would you like to have? Priya: curd rice Rahul: curd rice? At least for me? I’m hungry darling… Priya: plate chapatti with curd Rahul: o.k. your wish. // ordered 2 plates of chapatti with curd// Rahul: priya….priya…. you are too good in this saree, the way of your dressing… Priya: sir lets have this… Rahul: let me eat with your hand….. Priya: sorry sir! I hate such things. Actually… Rahul: o.k. I can have myself…. You carry on // after having their dinner // Rahul: where you are going now? You won’t go to your home? Its fine then… Priya: I’m going to your mom to say that I’m going to my home Rahul: ha ha //She went to her mom // Priya: aunt I’m going. His mom: is he dropping you? Priya: yes aunt… His Mom: don’t scold him or don’t hurt him today if he misbehaves with you Priya: hmm I’ll take care aunt. Bye His mom: thank you so much ma…. God bless you Priya: bye aunt //She went to rahul// Priya: shall we go now? Rahul: with pleasure… Rahul: hoi! I’m not your driver. Sit in the front beside me… Priya: ha… // there were going when priya is giving directions // Rahul: why do you look beautiful to my eyes? Priya: concentrate on driving sir. Look forward … Rahul: how can miss you... o.k. ok anyone of your classmates is misbehaving with you? Priya: no one sir. All are friendly with me… Rahul: that’s fine. Priya: please go left to that lane Rahul: priya… you are looking sexy… Priya: sir! Please stop the car… I nearby my home Rahul: no problem I’ll talk to your parents today Priya: sir! Please …. You told that you will wait till my studies are completed? Is this the way you will wait? Rahul: ho sorry … where is your house? Priya: nearby… Rahul: darling… can you kiss me? I won’t touch you even…//murmuring// Priya: what sir? Rahul: nothing … Priya: please stop here sir. Rahul: sorry again. Please? Priya: sir this is my house. Shall I get down? Rahul: ho! 1 minute priya… Priya: anything else sir? Rahul: I forgot to give you most important thing. Priya: what most important thing? Rahul: your bag… Priya: ho! Really I forgot it…thank you sir Rahul: one more thing… Priya: what? Rahul: I’m in love with you // he kept ring in her finger// Priya: I hate rings. Please keep it with you only. Good night! Bye and thank you…. // rahul catches her hand// Priya: please leave me sir Rahul: why you’re escaping from my proposal? …Why you are shivering? I did nothing. Priya: will you leave my hand? Rahul: you are looking sexy in the saree. How can I leave you? How could you think that I’ll leave you? Please…priya I can’t control myself Priya: is this the way you will wait? Cha! Rahul: yes! This is the only way. Only one … I can’t wait anymore…// he hugs her// Priya: // she pushed him away and went to her house and closed the door. Stood back it// Rahul: hay! You stop there …I’m coming with you Priya: please go away… please rahul ….please Rahul: o.k. bye goodnight! Her grandpa: why you are worrying? Priya: nothing... is sanjay here? Her grandpa: ha he just now slept. Priya: had your dinner? Her grandpa: yes ma. And you? This saree is too good… who gave you ma? Priya: grandpa! Please come to my room. I need to talk with you more and more… // they both went to priya’s room// Her grandpa: cool priya….cool priya…. Relax now. We can talk tomorrow. Priya: no grandpa! Now only… // she told everything about rahul and his behavior. After listening to her// Her grandpa: rahul! There are two members ma. About whom you are talking to? Priya: rahul…. 6feet fair and topper… Her grandpa: you are wrong ma… he is not such a type of mischievous student. Priya: but its fact. Why don’t you believe me? Will you believe if ishaan tells you? Wait a minute… // she called me// Priya: hello! Ishaan: ha priya. What rey? In this time? Any thing else? Priya: eshaan, will you tell my grandpa about rahul? Ishaan: hey! Its simple matter. Why to complain your grandpa? Priya: no ishaan. It’s very serious. I’ll tell you later. But you should tell him now. Ishaan: give mobile to your grandpa Her Grandpa: what ma? Is it true? Who is rahul? Ishaan: yes, he is the topper grandpa Her grandpa: sorry for disturbance ma. Take care of priya in the college. Ishaan: sure grandpa Her grandpa: goodnight ma. Ishaan: you too grandpa Her grandpa: ha you are right priya. O.k. I’ll think about what to do? You don’t worry ma. Priya: ha grandpa. I thought to tell you, I told you. Tension free… I’m sleepy grandpa. Goodnight! Her grandpa: good night! Close the door and sleep Priya: ha She called me again and told me everything. Then I realize that priya done right. Her way of talking was too different in a pleasing manner. He continued his party and enjoyed. Actually she'll be friendly with everyone. that nature of friendship was found in only some ... utmost one'll there in cores of people. All went to their houses. ... I told its better to inform his mother when she is supportive to you. Then she calls her… His mom: hello! Priya: aunt! It’s me priya His mom: hey you! Its 11:30 pm now. You didn’t sleep? Priya: no aunt. I need to talk with you. His mom: come to me tomorrow with rahul then we shall talk here. Now I’m tired and too sleepy priya Priya: aunt! His mom: no priya we shall talk tomorrow. O.k. good night! // she kept the call// On next day morning 4:00a.m priya calls rahul… Priya: hello! This is … Rahul: hey! You? Priya. Good morning! What’s pleasant surprise? Priya: can you come to me this morning at sharp ten? Rahul: ya! I can for you… you planned to go somewhere with me? I’m lucky dear!! Priya: will you stop it? Rahul: ho! Mam is angry. May I know the reason? Priya: I’ll tell you later when you meet me. Rahul: then what about college mam? Priya: I’m not going to college tomorrow Rahul: but I’m going. I have desertion tomorrow. I should attend it. Priya: that’s your wish. Can you come to pick up me? or shall I go with anyone? Rahul: no! No! I’ll drop you and then go to college. Is it fine? Priya: fine… bye Rahul: I …// she kept the call// In the morning at 9:45 am, rahul came to outside the gate in priya’s house. Then he called her. She came in white pink dress. At that time, Rahul: // why do you look beautiful to take my heart away? (In undertone voice)// Priya: shall we go now? Rahul: ha! Where shall we roam? Priya: no roaming. Go to your house. I need to talk with your mom. Rahul: fine. What will you talk about? May I know it? Priya: no! It’s personal. Shut your mouth and drive… go slowly please Rahul: if you’re frightened, you can…. Priya: please go as your wish… // they reached rahul home// Rahul: priya bye Priya: bye Rahul: priya…one sec Priya: what? Rahul: you like white and pink na? Priya: hmmm. Why did you ask it? Rahul: you’re again …. I can’t control god…. // went off as fast as he could// Priya: thank god! Priya: aunt! Aunt! Ha aunt! Good morning! His mom: good morning! What priya? You called last night? Priya: // she told everything about rahul’s behavior// His mom: hmm becoming too bad. Where is this fellow? Priya: he dropped me and went to college His mom: you don’t worry. Go to college now. I’ll teach him good lesson. Can you come this afternoon? Priya: why aunt? His mom: his dad won’t believe me. I’m sure he’ll believe you. Priya: ha His mom: wait ma… our driver will drop you. Priya: no thanks aunt .I’ll go by an auto. His mom: even you won’t listen to me? I just left my son and his father as they won’t care my words… Priya: ok aunt // his mom called him and said “come this afternoon with priya. Your dad wants to talk with you both”// On that day morning, our senior was so happy that no one could catch him. I thought that "does she accept his love in the night? They will marry? No! What about me? What happened to her suddenly?" Again questions rose in my brain... Our senior was running towards priya.... hope to same something... she was in the class. Even I’m, entering into the class. Do you know why he came? Rahul: my parents accepted to marry you. I’m so happy. I love you so much... Priya: //* She never uttered a word. She kept silent... waiting to talk if he stops //* Rahul: what priya? Do you need time? Take your own time...You can call me at any time. I’ll be waiting for.... Priya: just stop it! I hate such things. I hate love. Please don’t talk to me If you still... Rahul: what you’re thinking about yourself? Then why did you told that “sir! Let’s complete our studies and then rest is next..." Priya: I don’t know what I should do at that time. I thought that’s your birthday. You should not upset and change your mood at party in front of your relatives. Rahul: o.k. you are coming to my home afternoon? Priya: coming… Rahul: that’s enough. Bye. He was angry on her not only her on everyone... went out seriously. // he called his mom// Rahul: ha mom His mom: what rahul? Rahul: priya told “she was not willing marry me’’. I just felt bad and she fooled me in front of juniors’ mom. His mom: where did you asked her? Rahul: in her classroom His mom: in front of everyone. Right? Then how can she accept you? Rahul: yes mom… you are right. Bye mom. Class was going on… On that day morning only while the desertion is going on, Rajan sir called him to his room. Rajan sir: what you have done to priya? Is this the way you behave with girls who came to wish on your birthday party? Rahul: sir! How can I say you? I did wrong. I agree with it. But I wanted to marry her. Even my parents too agree with me. Soon they will talk to her parents about this issue. Rajan sir: does she like you? No! She loves you? No! Then how can you marry with out her decision. You don’t give respect to